2 & 3 John The problem with idealizing the Early Church Acts 2:42-47, “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching…
Look at Hannah, one of the best parents in the Bible. · Have you ever felt that God has dealt…
James 1:22-24Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to…
Many people think that forgiveness requires a repentant offender. They must recognise their offense. They must be truly sorry for…
Luke 9:37-45 To introduce his ministry, Jesus visited the synagogue in his home town and read the Scripture from Isaiah…
What would Jesus think about these facts? • We gather in groups small and large to worship and praise him.…
Luke 5:27-39 I went to the doctor on Friday. I’ve been coughing for weeks, but I was sure I would…
Luke 5:17-26 The paralytic’s physical condition was severe. He couldn’t walk. He had to be lowered down on a stretcher.…
Jesus didn’t have to physically touch the leper to heal him. In Luke 7, he healed a centurion’s son from…
Perhaps the locals liked the sound of freedom Luke 4:22, but as it dawned on them the gravity of Jesus’…